Top Mobile App Ads. Why They Work. And How to Make them Better

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Top 4 ads this week

Today I’ll be sharing with you some of the best ads I’ve collected last week.

Why it works:

  1. Clearly shows how the product works.

  2. Shows the results in terms of getting replies.

How it can be improved:

Tip #1: remove faces

Believe it or not but when we tested ads with people and without people for our clients at, we found out something interesting.

In most cases, b2c mobile app demo ads like this one work mostly better when you don’t have faces in the video.

So I would remake different variations of this ad and do more demo ads without people or with different people

Tip #2 - add storytelling to remove common objections

Product demo ads work great but when we started including storytelling elements for our client’s ads, we immediately saw a reduction in acquisition costs.

Tip #3 - show proof of dates

One thing to increase believability is to show proof of dates in the form of videos/selfies with girls.

#2 Readability

Why it works:

  1. Doesn’t look like an ad

  2. Very easy to consume the content and understand what it is about.

How their creative strategy can be improved:

Tip #1 - creative variety

They seem to be only running 2 types of ads: handwritten statics and animated videos. We often have clients come to us with the same problem. When we implement our creative strategy, and test ad creatives, we can typically 3x or even 10x their business.

Tip #2 - creatives showing the results

One thing I don’t really see in their ad creatives is actual before and after footage. A lot of people require proof before buying something, and I am confident when they include that in their ads, that’ll increase their results for them.

#3 - POV by “Speechify”

#4 - Using awareness by “Speechify”

Why it works:

  • POV ad: Snoop Dogg reading biology. I mean how cool is that?

  • Can’t Hurt Me ad:

    • It uses awareness of the existing book and most likely will bring good customers

    • It shows how the product works

    • It shows the origin story and testimonials behind the product

    • It attracts a great paying customer

How their ad creative strategy can be improved:

Tip #1: Creative strategy focus:

Speechify tests so many creatives it’s overwhelming to look at their ad library but there’s one thing it might be missing. Creative strategy.

It looks like their app targets a lot of students, which may have a great use but how monetizable are they?

I’d suggest they find out which target audience has the highest LTV and make ads catered to them.

If I had to guess it’d be business book readers, self-help book readers or something or people in that space.

Since it looks like they had cracked a winning ad creative type, I would just simply allocate some focus on iterating on that creative.

So for example, I’d do a campaign for each popular book in the category. This way it’d allow us to capture the market by using awareness generated by the book.

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