Top 7 Ads in the ‘3 Reasons Why’ Style (And Why They Crush in 2024)

Growth Catalyst Club

Top 8 Ads in the ‘3 Reasons Why’ Style (And Why They Crush) | Jan 23, 2024

The right ad can be a catalyst for business growth. That’s why I curated a list of 🔥🔥🔥 ads you can steal this week.

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#1 iPhone Note with Image

The “ONE BONE” brand name is just hilarious and instantly sparks curiosity! When I read it the first time I was like "Is it something sexual, food, or dog related?” So the hook part has been nailed down.

The other things that make this ad work are clear and relatable benefits as well as the image of the buyer persona's ideal future.


  • Platforms: Meta​

  • Active for 18 days

  • Landing Page

#2 Why you may have a problem

The scroll stopper is tapping into the emotional pain point that immediately hooks you. It also shows an animation of bacteria which signals this could be something dangerous. So if you have a dog, you’re watching this!

The creative approach is more educational than sales-driven, aiming to help make your pet’s gut healthier. Really love this one.


#3 It’s not cheap, but…

Through bold headlines, they disqualify the audience, while all the bullet points explain why the product isn't cheap but maintains high quality. The main trick lies in the last point: one expensive item is better than five cheap ones.


#4 Collab ad

The interesting aspect of this ad is the use of a collaboration feature, where the content creator page is added to the brand page. This adds some massive social proof and if you’re a fan of this creator, you’re pulling out your credit card.


#5 Why is water boring? 

This ad works because of the scroll stopper – this girl is stacking something on top of each other and it makes us curious about what it is. Then she energetically talks about 3 main product benefits and adds a call to action. 

I also feel like this ad was almost too fast so I had to rewatch it 3 times. This can signal the Meta platform that the content is engaging, driving their CPM down.


#6  Benefits + 50% off

Everyone loves discounts, and this ad is a great example of how you can leverage the '3 reasons why' angle with a special offer.


#7 Future Pacing

Social Proof in Action: The first frame shows their physical stores, signaling that these aren't some drop shippers but a solid trustworthy brand.

But I feel like the biggest thing that makes this ad work is an assumptive promise of a cool lifestyle hanging out and traveling with friends.


- Andy

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