Top 6 "Get Fit" Ads for Women

(And why they convert like crazy)

Growth Catalyst Club

Top 6 "Get Fit" Ads for Women

Weight loss is one of the biggest markets in the US. About 33% of Americans are overweight. And today, we’ll review some of the best-performing ads in this market specifically targeted to women.

Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with any of these products. We are not aware of the quality of the products advertised in these ads. This content is for educational purposes only. Do not buy any health products without consulting your doctor.

#1 4 Facts about…

Why it works:

  • This ad is made in a viral format, which makes it not look like an ad.

  • This exact format is what makes it viral because it increases watch time.

  • And of course, it makes a big claim “lose up to 15% weight with one weekly shot”. The word “weekly” can be understood that it’s going to be just one week here.

#2 A “how“ question + answer

Why it works:

  • It starts with a question which makes people want to finish the video if they want to know the answer.

  • It talks about a unique mechanism “somatic workouts”.

  • It gives people a sneak peek into what it is and how easy it is.

How to improve:

  • The copy is too direct and pushy. It excludes a big chunk of the audience who have not labeled their emotions in their head. I’d make it more friendly and try to talk to them in a 3rd person.

#3 This is not how you do it.

Why it works:

  • Uses celebrities as an authority to get more trust.

  • Uses a hook that identifies with the thing this audience is thinking of doing: “cutting carbs”.

How to improve:

  • The copy is too direct and pushy. It excludes a big chunk of the audience who have not labeled their emotions in their head. I’d make it more friendly and try to talk to them in a 3rd person.

#4 A transformational story

Why it works:

  • It’s disguised as someone’s story.

  • It talks about the end outcome they actually want, which is “being desirable”.

  • It gives them a timeline of when the results can be achieved: “28 days”.

  • It gives a little bit of a preview of how the app works.

#5 Reasons to avoid

Why it works:

  • Women care about getting the end result. And there are a lot of options to do that. That’s why they have to know what to avoid to narrow down the options. This ad appeals to their desire to know what to avoid.

  • It also talks about “instant” outcomes.

#6 “I should’ve never bought this…”

Why it works:

  • It doesn’t look like an ad at all. Even the FB page is disguised as an organic post.

  • It’s disguised as a negative review, which makes people watch and know.

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