Top 3 New Ad Styles This Week (Jewelry, Electronics, Art)

(And why they convert like crazy)

Top 4 ads this week

Today I’ll be sharing with you some of the best ads I’ve collected last couple of weeks.

#1 Viral relevant content + product demo + pitch

High-end jewelry is notoriously hard to advertise on Meta.

I’ve spoken to a few jewelry owners and none of them had a great success advertising on Facebook compared to other channels.

You have to really differentiate yourself, spend a lot to afford high CPAs and go with the long-term mindset. (or just sell something cheaper than $200)

Our team member found this ad from Ivan, a Chinese jewel. Ivan spent over $225k last year on Meta ads (according to Ivan).

This ad alone spent over $7k in Europe recently.

How much ROI did it bring?

If I had to guess, it doesn’t because the call to action button is “Visit Instagram”. Most likely they are boosting the post, which optimizes for the wrong objective.

But back to the ad creative. These types of ads could work for mass-market consumer products because you get their attention easily, retain them for the first 2 seconds, and can transition to the next step.

#2 Long-form educational

Why it works:

  1. Great hook.

  2. Good landing page. One of the best functionality when it comes to bundling products I’ve seen!

  3. The video is made as educational, yet it has a lot of personalized language like “you”, “yours”.

  4. It talks a lot about benefits and really goes deep on how it works.

Their ads can be significantly improved by testing new hooks, using real MDs and starting ads with what’s wrong with current solutions.

#3 - “My Top Regrets”

Why it works:

  • Talking about regrets. People want to avoid pain and regrets, so if you want to make them watch a video, start talking about how they can avoid loss!

  • It shows a bit of the process and how it works with an emphasis on “easy”.

  • The ad does demo the website a bit which makes people curious on what kind of painting they have.

How their ad creative strategy can be improved:

  • Show the before and the end results in the ads.

  • Test ads related to the social aspect of painting. Something like “My friends thought I was a pro painter”.

  • Test ads where people actually sold their art at the end.

  • Go after women pitching it as a perfect date to bond with their boyfriend.

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