Right question + Detailed Answer = $7M(case study)

3-minute read

This simple strategy generated $7 million in revenue for one small company.


  1. Google top questions from your customers

  2. Build blogs answering your customers’ questions(whatever they search on Google), and add a CTA button in the middle of the blog and at the bottom.

  3. Run ads to promote the blogs with Facebook/Instagram ads.

This was done in a competitive industry that had only a few thought leaders with authority online.

That allowed this company to do something no one did.

They tried to find the pain points of their customers and write content about it.

They published 10 SEO-optimized articles (1000-2000 words) trying to rank for keywords that their ideal customers were searching for.

Out of those 10 articles, one of them exploded.

It was an article about the biggest pain for their customers.

The article was a detailed step-by-step guide on how services in this industry work(3000 words).

Because no one in the industry wanted to reveal how their internal systems work, and this article did, it became one of the top Google Search results for one specific keyword.

But they didn’t stop there. They leveraged Facebook and Instagram ads to drive traffic to the article.

This increased their organic traffic, improving the article's credibility and getting top Google ranking.

At the end of the article, they added a call to action button (e.g., “learn out more by speaking with our growth expert”)

That call to action button led to a lead capture form that gave them something in return like a free audit or custom pricing.

Based on their information, they would qualify the lead on a consultation call and close them.

This translated to hundreds of leads and millions of dollars of closed contracts over the course of a few years.

Every year the revenue doubled and it’s still generating leads today.

They keep running ads on socials and refreshing the creatives but they still lead to the same article.

Thanks for reading,

- Andy

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