Top Product Demo Ads - Part 2 (digital products)

(And why they convert like crazy)

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Product Demo ads

As much as you can try to paint pictures in your prospect’s brains of how the product works, nothing beats actually showing how the product works.

…because the actual demonstration allows the customers to experience the product, see that it’s real (which immediately increases trust ), and they can experience how it’s going to benefit their lives.

So today, we’ll go over some ads that also include product demos. It’s something you can include in your ads and, most importantly, on your page.

#1 How to create music

Why it works:

  • The ad shows a live demonstration of how the app works and indirectly conveys how user-friendly the app is.

#2 All in one SEO bundle

Why it works:

  • It’s pretty hard to show how digital info products work. And this ad does a good job of giving people a sneak peek of what’s inside as well as what it’ll do for them.

How to improve:

  • I would use human voice actors Instead of an AI-generated voice.


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