The Easiest Winning Facebook Ad Anyone Can Create In 30 Seconds or Less

Create an ad in 3 seconds

The Easiest Winning Facebook Ad Anyone Can Create In 30 Seconds or Less

Most people when running Facebook ads face a big roadblock - creatives.

Most creatives take a lot of time to create. Sometimes even weeks with all pre and post-production.

Often you’d have to hire creative agencies, and content creators or shoot and edit content yourself.

While we produce high-end creatives for our clients at Adsora, we understand that bias for action and speed is extremely important in business.

That’s why we test around 5 to 15 creatives every week.

But what if you want to test something really quick and don’t have enough creativity?

I have a solution for you.

Introducing the creative type that requires Canva and basic copywriting skills.

Here’s one example:

Yes, it’s simply just text on a black, white, or red background. No special effects are required.

The beauty of it is you can test a lot of different messages, pain points, and products super fast.

So that’s it for today.

I challenge you to test it and let me know the results you see. (you can simply reply to this email)

P.S. One caveat for this is that your landing page does most of the work here, so you need to have a strong post-ad sales experience.

Is your agency wasting money on ads?

I audit a dozen of Facebook ad accounts every week and I see massive overspending and mismanagement by agencies or internal teams.

If you're spending over $300/day on Facebook ads, and want to improve your ads performance, reply to this email with “audit” and we'll audit your account for free ($1,000 value)

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- Andy

P.S. Labor Day is coming, so next week I’ll send you some cool stuff to make sure you’re fully prepared to maximize your revenue and profit.


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