How a 30-second "Foot Video" Made $342.99k in 30 Days

And How You Can Do it Too

How this 30-second Unplanned "Foot Video" Generated over $342.99k in 30 Days

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If you've ever tried video ads that left you with insultingly low conversion rates and an insignificant profit margin…

Or you've tried all of the video tactics and tricks you could lay your hands on, on the internet but they all keep turning you in circles or regurgitating ideas…

Or you've spent your hard-earned money in video advertising with expensive marketing agencies and funnels that yielded no boastful returns…

Then, you might want to get a pen and paper and pay attention to today's newsletter piece, because this might just be the very last useful piece of information that'll change your entire video marketing game completely.

Essentially, this video I'm about to reveal to you sat at the #1 position on Kalodata for weeks when the TikTok shop first became a thing, with no other video ad coming close to it.

It dominated the industry and others who got wind of it have used the same system to create theirs and also rake in sales for themselves.

It cut through the market so badly that every Dick and Harry that set their eyes on it wanted in on the product whether or not they could afford it.

And now, we're going to do a breakdown of it together to show you how you can replicate the idea behind its success and never worry about making high-converting video ads anymore.

Click the link below to watch the video ad below and come back for the discussion:

Done? Great.

Now, let's do a breakdown together:

1. The Icebreaker

Reports keep going on and on concerning the drastically decreasing attention span of people, and how almost impossible it is to run a video ad without screaming at the top of your voice at the beginning of the ad, or the more annoying ones, where the advertiser shows us something really irrelevant to the ad just to hook us in.

That to say, the first thing to overcome when creating your next video ad would be the opener; that first 5 seconds that reels the viewers in s and stops them from scrolling past your video.

This video ad achieved that even before it was able to pull in massive engagements and sales.

If we take a deep dive into the world of TikTok (which now by far, holds the most amount of engaged videos), we'll notice that the creators don't come off with the "Hi, I'm Charlie, here's this and that and here's why you should listen to me...".

Instead, they take a different turn.

In fact, almost all videos you'll see performing extremely well on TikTok started like it's the middle of a story. No introduction. No fluff. Just straight into the action.

This tells the viewers, like a rogue team in the middle of a shooting spree in the COD game, "I'm not about to bore you to death. Get in on the action NOW!" And guess what? They have no other choice than to go all in.

This makes the video to not look like an ad, following one of David Ogilvy's trending quotes, "The best ads don't look like ads."

Or Howard Luck Gossage's quote, which said, "Nobody reads advertising. People read what interests them, and sometimes it's an ad."

This is the icebreaker, and once you've achieved this, it doesn't stop there. The sales don't come in automatically. There's a next step to creating high-converting ads like our reference.

2. The Flow

This is the next thing that guarantees the viewers viewing just after the icebreaker, and it follows a principle: "After the fish has caught the hook, reel it in before it finds a way to let loose."

In this video, what kept the flow wasn't a constant flipping of images and short clips here and there, nor were testimonials pasted all over the video, instead, it was simply the lady talking about what she experienced from the video.

It was like a satisfied customer's review of a new product who made it so relatable to her audience in her expressions.

This alone simply got her audience interested enough to desire it and check it out.

3. The Close

This is where the sale happens.

However, in random video ads we see, the link is usually somewhere around the screen. The focus is to direct the viewers to the point where they're hungry enough to get the product.

This doesn't take into account whether the leads it fetches can afford the product or not. It just converts.

This drives us to the next most important thing of video ads - the script.

As a bonus for reading this far, I'm adding a piece of copywriting advice you must've already seen  -- if you've stormed the internet searching for a final solution to the converting-video-crave.

The Script

Aside from getting the structure of the video ad right, the scripting is the next most important thing.

The key to getting this right would be to:

  • Understand the level of awareness of your audience

  • Get swipe files of ads that have worked in your industry in the past

  • Model them and create a killer ad.

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- Andy


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