10 Most Creative Ads I Collected This Year

Here’s why static images can work better than videos.

It’s for this very simple reason - it only takes 1 second to communicate the message.

And when people don’t have to spend minutes watching your video ad, you reach more people with your message and practically “install” new ideas into people’s brains in 1 second.

In this issue, I’ll show you some of the most iconic ad creatives of all time.

And you’ll see, these ads don’t even need any commentary because you can instantly understand what they’re all about.

#1 Braun

#2 Reykjavik Police

#3 New Balance

#4 Nutella

#5 Weight Watchers

#6 Lazer Bike Helmets

#7 Daihatsu Hijet

#8 Eldtimer

#9 Vaseline

#10 Tabasco

Now, I don’t recommend you copy them if your business is under $50m/year.

Because these are not direct-response ads, meaning it’d be very hard to measure their effectiveness and they won’t necessarily turn impressions into money.

But what I would recommend you is to copy ads that follow direct response principles. You can see them in all previous newsletter issues if you want examples.

And here’s how I can help:

  • If your company spends over 10k/mo on Facebook, I can guarantee you an extra look at your ad account won’t hurt. That’s why I’ll personally do a complete account and funnel audit for you for free (2 out of 4 spots left this month). Click here to start.


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