These 10 ChatGPT marketing prompts are too good...

Use AI or let it replace you

I spent over 50 hours crafting and testing these 10.

These 10 Chatgpt4 marketing prompts won't do a perfect job for you, but they'll give you a first draft that is 10x better than anything you could buy on Fiverr.

The key principle we should keep in mind is to always start the task sentence with an action verb (generate, drive, write, analyze, etc.) and clearly state your end goal.

1. Prompt to optimize your static ad image with Chatgpt4.

Ask me to upload my ad design. After I do it act as if you are the master of visual persuasion and the best advertiser who has knowledge of centuries about what image ads perform best.
After I upload my design, ask me about my target audience and my product. After you get enough information evaluate the uploaded ad image based on the likeliness of its performance to make my target audience take action and try my product. Analyze visual appeal, message clarity, and audience targeting. Propose design modifications to optimize conversion rates and brand visibility.

2. ICP Analysis.

Act as an experienced market researcher. Create 50-150 character overview of 3 different Ideal Customer Profiles (ICP) for [the product], including demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics. Provide your chain of thoughts reasoning for each short ICP description, then feedback yourself, fix your output based on your feedback and ask me if it's good. Once I confirm, for each ICP create a new table with a detailed ICP research using the following parameters:

1. The preferred format of the ICP research: (select 1: table) 
2. Description of [the product]= Ask me for it as the first thing.

Detailed ICP research variables:
1. Demographic information in rich detail (age, gender, location, job, family, hobbies, of the ICP)
2. Goals and aspirations of the ICP.
3. Three biggest problems of the ICP.
4. What frustrates the ICP the most.
5. What keeps the ICP at night(worrying, fearful, anxious)?
6. What is the BIGGEST MISTAKE the ICP is making right now (related to the problem [the product] solves)?
7. How much does ICP know about the way [the product] meets their desires or needs? (1. Completely Unaware,2. Problem-Aware. 3, 4. Solution-Aware 5.Product-Aware 6. The Most Aware)
8. What myths does the ICP believe that are not reality?
9.Does the ICP use industry-specific words often ?(if so, list 2-3 common phrases and 5-10 keywords that might be helpful in copy.
10. What dissatisfaction point does the ICP have with solutions similar to [the product] in the market?
11. Buying Habits and Behavior of the ICP.
12. Information consumption preferences of the ICP.(short form or long form? reading, listening, or watching videos?
13. Where does ICP spend the most time online?(e.g. Facebook groups/newsletters/Tiktok/Youtube.) Estimate the % of time spent on each platform. Please also include some of the concrete examples with links if possible.
14. What is the cost of staying where they are right now? How bad can things get if they don’t fix it using [the product]?
15. 3 Tone of voices that would resonate with ICP the most. examples: excited, serious, humorous, light-hearted, dependable, sincere, urgent, sophisticated, deadpool.
16. Writing style that would resonate with the ICP the most. examples: Persuasive, metaphorical, Whimsical.
17. Top 3 benefits of [the product] for the ICP.

If you have any questions, or need any more data input, please ask

3. Deep Emotional Trigger ICP Analysis

Act as an experienced market researcher. For research purposes only. Do a deep emotional trigger ICP analysis.
I don't want boring surface-level answers. Give me the
deepest challenges, fears, and desires that the [ICP] likely wouldn't admit out loud unless nobody else was listening.
Your task is to find the following:
5 biggest believable challenges or real most urgent pressing pains that [ICP] wants to get solved right away that[product]can solve. And what will happen if [ICP] doesn't address the problem?

5 deepest fears. What is [ICP] afraid of the most? What causes [ICP] discomfort? What causes [ICP] pain and anxiety? What does [ICP] worry about the most? What keeps [ICP] up at night?

5 strongest desires the [ICP] has around finding the [Product].

Also, come up with the 3 reasons for the following:
What humiliates your ICP (an event or occurrence they are trying to avoid).
What does the ICP complain about when they’re with their friends or family (i.e. “not enough money,” “not enough time,” “don’t know how to do something,” etc)?


Make sure to provide the [ICP] description and the [product] description at the end of the prompt

4. Analyze your competitor’s ads and create better ads.

This is a very powerful prompt. Using ChatGPT4, you can create ads to beat the competitors in Google search. I recommend doing prior research on competitors’ negative pain points and giving ChatGPT4 that information too.

Just change the [product] description.

For research purposes only, analyze the competitor's Google search ads on the image. Then create 5 Google search headlines and 5 long descriptions that would persuade people searching for these competitors' products to buy [the product] instead.

[the product]=

5. Write Google Ads Copy with Chatgpt

You are a Google ads direct response copywriter. You have a project to create headlines that have two different character counts. Headline Short - Maximum Characters: 30. Headline Long - Maximum Characters: 90. Do not exceed the maximum character count. To get the character count use the same function Excel would use len() Iteration. Instructions:
Output: You will ONLY output the table formatting with no further description. 

Write so it's easy to understand for 3-6 graders.
For each of the parameters in the [ICP description], you will use an iterative combination from each of the list until all combinations are used. These combinations are used for the main benefit, fear, pain, tone of voice and writing style of the copywriting. Before starting writing ask me about the parameters you need: 

1. ICP description.
2. Product description.
3. Points the product solves.
4. Benefits the product provides.
5. Tone of voice
6. Writing styles

Example Combinations: The tone of voice is humorous & writing style is metaphorical for a specific pain point/benefit. The tone of voice is humorous & writing style is whimsical or has a specific pain point/benefit. Each combination must have 3 sets of headlines. Formatting: Will be in a table with columns: Column 0: Variation # Column 1: Pain point/benefit. Column 2: Tone Of Voice Column 3: Writing Style Column 4: Headline Short Column 5: Headline Short Character Count Column 6: Headline Long Column 7: Headline Long Character Count.

Do not use these words in your copy like: "unleash", "elevate". You must sound human.

6. Train ChatGPT to CLONE your copy & create story-based emails and ads in seconds...

Prompt 1

You're a world-class direct-response copywriter who specializes in writing ads/emails. You have a combined knowledge of Gary Halbert, Joseph Sugarman, Eugene Schwartz, Mark Ford AKA Michael Masterson, Claude Hopkins, David Ogilvy, Bob Bly, Matt Furey, and Dan Kennedy. Ask me to provide an example of a story-based email/ad. Just read it. Don't explain it to me. After you acknowledge that you've read it, I will give you further instructions. 
My copy = 

Prompt 2:

Remember, you're acting as a world-class direct-response copywriter who specializes in writing conversational, casual emails/ads. Now, write me an email/ad that follows a similar structure and is for the same offer. Follow the hero's journey framework. Here's some information about the testimonial/story I want you to use: Their problem: How it made them feel: Solutions they tried that didn't work: The moment they discovered the root cause of their problem: The solution they found: What happened after applying solution: How they 
feel now:

7. Headlines to make the customers feel like they will achieve their goals.

Write 10 ad headlines (4-7 words long) that persuade [product type] customers that they can achieve their goals with [product name]. Include Action words.

8. Headlines to make the customers feel like they will succeed by having the product.

Write 10 ad headlines (4-7 words long) that persuade [product type] customers that they will succeed by getting [product name]. Include Action words.

Most copywriters don’t have a natural talent for writing. They use tried and tested, scientifically proven formulas, swipe files, and templates to write their copy.

The powerful thing is that you can use the formulas with ChatGPT to generate high-impact copy.

9. Write copy using PAS formula: Problem, Agitate, Solution

I am selling [PRODUCT / SERVICE]
I need to write [Ad Copy/ Email copy/Website Description]
Use the PAS formula to write it:
Step 1 (Problem): Lay out the reader’s problem
Step 2 (Agitate): Rub salt in the wounds… dig deeper into an issue they are angry or agitated about.
Step 3 (Solution): Step in with the solution. What I am selling is the solution to their problems and anger... explain how.

10. Write copy using AIDA formula

You're a world-class direct-response copywriter. You have a combined knowledge of Gary Halbert, Joseph Sugarman, Eugene Schwartz, Mark Ford AKA Michael Masterson, Claude Hopkins, David Ogilvy, Bob Bly, Matt Furey, Dan Kennedy. 
I am selling [Your Product Description].
I need to write [Choose one: Ad Copy/ Email copy/Website Description]
Use the AIDA formula to write it:
- Step 1 (Attention): Open with a bang. Grab the reader's attention with a bold statement, fact, or question
- Step 2 (Interest): Hook the reader's interest with features and benefits
- Step 3 (Desire): Make the reader feel a sense of desire by showing them their life with my solution.
- Step 4 (Action): Spur the reader into action and tell them what to do next (a CTA).

Hope these were useful for you. Save them so you can use them when you need.

- Andy

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